
I am a qualified person-centred counsellor and a registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). The person-centred approach provides me with a foundation that believes inside everyone, is the answers to their own questions. My role as the counsellor is to be there alongside the client, while we uncover those answers together. I believe counselling can and should be utilised by anyone that feels they need and non-judgemental, advice free, empathic space to explore their thoughts and feelings. 

As the counsellor, I believe all individual experiences are valid and deserve a space to be seen and heard. As the client, all a person needs is a commitment to the counselling process and desire to be there.

The content of the sessions can be adapted to the individual’s needs – short or long term, goal orientated or open ended. I endeavour to ensure there is transparency in the therapeutic relationship, allowing the client’s needs to be first and foremost. Sessions are 50 minutes.


Hypnotherapy works by harnessing the power of your mind to change thoughts, unhelpful beliefs and behaviour patterns.

Thoughts guide how you feel and act. Hypnotherapy works by helping you to change your thinking and actions, so what you do reflects your best self. As you become happier with the way you think and act, you become more engaged in your life and feel happier and more confident about yourself too.

Hypnotherapy has helped thousands of people to lose weight, improve how they feel about themselves, overcome overeating or overdrinking, to change habits, get rid of phobias and to reduce stress and anxiety.

Hypnotherapy is psychotherapy combined with hypnosis. It’s a way of using the power of your mind so that it works for you and takes you forward in life, in the way you choose.

This means you no longer have to feel stuck in your life, making the same mistakes. With hypnosis you get to experience what it would be like if things were different. It gives you the chance to imagine your life without the need to struggle. Instead, you get to focus your attention on a positive future for yourself. Hypnotherapy is a potent tool to help you to be your best version of you.

It’s a therapy based on empowering you to discover new ways of thinking and acting. Hypnotherapy equips you with a different, better view of yourself and the world. It’s a way to support you to take action to solve your problems.

I offer a free half hour telephone consultation to discuss your situation and what you would like to achieve by working with me.


Osteopathy can help relieve your pain, stiffness and limitations that hold you back and get in the way of you enjoying life to the full.  It can help you reach your goals, whether that’s managing at home independently or taking up a new hobby or sport.  Osteopathy is fantastic for keeping you active from childhood into older age.

How does osteopathy work?  It can include different elements, depending on what you need, and we will work out your plan together.  This might mean hands-on movement and massage, taping, advice on movement and activity, exercises, and sometimes guidance to include other types of treatment when needed.

Osteopathy is suitable for any age and isn’t painful or just about having your back clicked.  It is a health care process that can be tailored to your health needs and goals whatever they may be.  Osteopaths are recognised by the NHS as Allied Health Professionals and osteopathy is a regulated profession, meaning it is a safe form of treatment.

I work closely with everyone at Head to Toe Health and with other local therapists  including podiatry, nutritional therapy and personal training.  I will communicate with your GP when needed to make sure that you get the help and advice you need for your future health.

Common problems that osteopathy may help are:

  • muscle tension or strain
  • joint strain or pain
  • stiff or painful shoulders and hips
  • back and neck pain and stiffness
  • foot and ankle pain
  • plantar fasciitis
  • muscle tension related headaches
  • tennis elbow
  • golfers elbow
  • general achiness
  • stiffness plus much more

Your first appointment will take up to an hour.  At this appointment we we’ll start by spending some time talking about the problem or goal you need help with.  Then I’ll ask you to tell me a bit  about your life, what happens in your typical week eg work, hobbies, sports, and family.

I’ll ask about your general health, in particular about any medical conditions you have so I can make sure any treatment or advice is suitable for you.

After finding out more about you and what you need there will be some examination and assessments which will vary depending on why you are seeing me.  During your first appointment we’ll form a plan of action together which will include treatment and probably some things to do at home before your next appointment.  The number of appointments you will need, and how regularly, varies depending on what your goals are, and won’t be a rigid plan but flexible to suit you. 

If you would like to find out more about osteopathy and whether it is the right treatment for you, you can find more information or book a phone call below.

Pre/Postnatal Osteopathy

Osteopathic treatment is gentle and suitable during pregnancy and post-birth, for babies and children of all ages using structural and cranial osteopathic techniques to gently balance the joints/tissues, stretching and gentle massage to improve posture, relax and stretch the body.  A consultation and treatment lasts between 40-60 minutes where we will discuss your concerns, complete an examination followed by treatment.

During pregnancy there are hormonal and postural changes which can increase the physical demands to your body and your muscles, ligaments and joints adapt as your baby grows.  For some expectant mums they may experience more discomfort and pain to their back or pelvic areas, especially if they have pre-existing postural problems or injuries.

After the birth osteopathy can be beneficial to resolve postural and joint problems from during the pregnancy and after the birth as you care for your newborn baby.  New mums often experience neck, shoulder and back pain from carrying and feeding their baby, and unresolved pelvic pain from during the pregnancy.

Osteopathic treatment is safe for expectant and new mums, and can be effective to relieve the stresses and strains of your changing body, including joint and back pain, by using stretching, massage, gentle joint articulation and cranial techniques.

Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and if required we will tell you to see another health professional such as your GP, Midwife, local health visitor.

Osteopathic treatment is gentle and suitable for babies and children of all ages from newborns to teenagers using cranial osteopathic techniques, stretching and gentle massage to improve posture, relax and stretch the body, and soothe babies.

Osteopaths do not treat specific conditions, they look at how posture and function of the muscles, joints and ligaments may affect the way the body moves.  There are many reasons why parents bring their babies and children to see an osteopath including:

  • Postural assessments
  • Post-birth assessments
  • Difficulty settling
  • Feeding difficulties
  • Joint aches and pains

During your appointment the osteopath will discuss details of the pregnancy, birth and their development, and any specific concerns you may have.  They will examine your child’s posture and movements, muscle tone and reflexes, and discuss how osteopathy can help.  If the appointment is for your baby, please bring your red book and any hospital discharge information with you.

Reflexology, Massage, Aromatherapy and EFT

Before your first appointment I will ask you to complete an on-line consultation form or if preferred invite you to have a 30 minute telephone or video (zoom) consultation with me.  It’s a great opportunity to get to know a little about you and it enables me to be fully prepared for when I meet you on the day of your appointment. We can also discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

On the day of your appointment, I will get you comfortable on the couch, make sure you’re warm enough by providing a heated under blanket and extra blankets if needed, put on some relaxing music, and begin the treatment.

After your treatment I will give you some water, this is very important as it will help to flush through any toxins from your system. We will then discuss how you found the treatment and I will answer any questions you may have. 


Reflexology is a complementary therapy which can be received by anyone at any age, from newborn babies to those receiving end of life care, and everyone in between.

Reflexology is about promoting relaxation and balance through the stimulation and massage of Reflex Points in the feet, or sometimes on the hands, or ears. These Reflex Points are linked to other areas of the body. By applying gentle pressure to these Reflex Points, tension or congestion in the body can be released encouraging the body’s natural healing process to begin.

Some of the general benefits of Reflexology are:

  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Helps to release physical pain
  • Aids recovery from illness or injury
  • Encourages good circulation and digestion
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Encourages the release of toxins from the body

I have recently completed CPD courses focusing on Reflexology for Menopause and mindfulness and relaxation.

I am a member of the Association of Reflexologists and am fully insured.


I take a holistic approach to massage therapy, focusing on the mind-body connection and treating the whole person. My goal is to help my clients achieve balance and harmony in their lives through the healing power of touch.

I was trained in Swedish style massage and also incorporate various other massage techniques I have learned over the years including manual lymphatic drainage.

All of my treatments are tailored to each individual, so no massage is the same.

I use blends of essential oils which are carefully chosen to suit the needs of my clients, this could be for relaxation, a build-up of tension in the muscles or something of a more spiritual nature. The ultimate choice is left to my client, the treatment is theirs to enjoy however they wish.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

A delicate and extremely relaxing treatment that stimulates the body’s lymphatic system and improves the metabolism, helping the body to eliminate waste and toxins and providing a boost to the immune system.

It is especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from regular colds, allergies etc. It is also recommended for those who want to reduce puffiness or swelling. It can also have a positive effect on problem skin, cellulite, the respiratory and digestive systems and people with low energy. 


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping is a gentle, simple, and effective relaxation technique that can help to calm you so that you can address bothersome thoughts and emotions. It involves tapping on meridian end points on the face, body, and hands (a bit like acupuncture but without the needles) whilst thinking about, or tuning in to your problem, this helps to re-balance and clear the body’s energy system.  It sounds a bit strange, and some people feel a bit silly when they first try it, but what have you got to lose apart from those bad feelings and emotions.

Sports and remedial massage therapy

Sports and remedial massage therapy is a hands-on treatment, directed at the soft tissues, such as muscles and tendons. It can help ‘normalise’ the tissues, allowing them to work efficiently and with ease, which can help prevent/improve problematic symptoms.

Common problems people seek treatment for are muscular strains, joints sprains, repetitive pain such as tendinopathy and plantar fasciopathy (pain in the soles of the feet), neck/back/shoulder pain and hip/ITB/knee pain. I also see people with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and migraines. I work with many athletes when preparing for events such as ultra marathons, triathlons and tournaments.

Most sessions are an hour in length. I will take a medical history and we will discuss goals/needs together before commencing physical assessments and treatment. The treatment SHOULD NOT be painful. This is a common myth about sports massage. The out-dated belief that ‘harder is better’ is not based on evidence and often leaves people cringing with pain. Also, the treatment should NOT leave you with bruises. Massage can be performed at different depths and using different techniques; sometimes a light touch is the best touch.