Claire Terry Reviews

I wholeheartedly and highly recommend the Tonbridge Osteopathic Clinic and Claire. I came with neck and shoulder pain which had been going on for nearly 6 months despite many other interventions and pain killers. After taking the time to take a detailed history, Claire got to work on it right away!

From the first session I saw big improvements and I’m delighted that this long standing issue and the pain and headaches were resolved in a few sessions with Claire. Thanks so much! It has made an enormous difference in such as short space of time.


I went to see Claire for my back.
Claire was very thorough in finding out my history and took her time to listen.
She was friendly, and her approach is very gentle.
I would recommend Claire to anyone that needs an osteopath.


Claire is always kind and professional and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.


Having suffered pain for a long time due to shoulder and back injuries my wife recommended I visit Claire at her clinic. I”m very glad I did. After a thorough assessment of my conditions she proceeded with a course of treatments to help me which I have found extremely beneficial as well as providing me with exercises I can do at home to keep me on track.

I maintain ongoing treatments because my job and sports have an impact on my injuries and Claire’s therapy keeps me mobile as well as ongoing recommendations and support from Claire.


Celia Griver Reviews

I have had hypnotherapy with Celia to improve my health, confidence, and assertiveness in difficult situations. I have enjoyed our sessions very much and feel they are excellent value for the money. Celia is a warm and kind person who shows great empathy and understanding. She is able to connect ideas and concepts in a way which is very intuitive and insightful and provides practical ideas for making changes and trying a new approach. I come away from our sessions feeling like I can change things in my life for the better with a great deal of optimism and a can-do attitude. I can identify specific improvements in my work and home life which have come about directly due to my sessions with Celia. I feel more capable and happy as a result. I would highly recommend Celia as a very knowledgeable professional & ethical expert in her field.

I’ve just finished my 6th session with Celia and couldn’t be happier with where I am right now. I’ve been able to overcome some deep rooted thoughts and feelings that I thought would be with me forever and I feel confident that in the future I will be able to help myself should these arise for me again. Celia is warm, caring, kind and compassionate. I felt incredibly comfortable with her from the first session and was able to share the extent of what I was going through which I hadn’t been able to do with anyone else. She uses many techniques including hypnotherapy, meditation and body scans to name a few which I have been able to integrate into my daily life as an ongoing way to help myself. I can’t thank her enough!

Vanessa Lines Reviews

I can’t recommend Vanessa highly enough. Before I began receiving treatment from her, I had pretty constant lower back pain and would often have to take pain-killers.

Since visiting Vanessa, I have taken no medication and hardly ever experience pain. Her healing hands and expertise are worth their weight in gold!

I saw Ness prior to my London Marathon adventure, when my body felt like it was giving up on me, she was brilliant! Sorted my painful legs out with an awesome massage and gave me some very valuable advice. Would highly recommend.

Vanessa helped me over a period of 8-10 weeks, working on my rehabilitation after a bad hamstring injury. Those sessions combined with her insightful advice on stretching and strengthening exercises to target the affected area were essential to my path back to fitness. I am now back playing football and have been able to participate in the final games of this season, which I am extremely grateful for. Vanessa is not only professional, but on an interpersonal level also very friendly and easy to get on with.

Kerry Anderson Reviews

Kerry worked wonders with my newborn son. The work she did with him made breastfeeding easier and helped ease his gut problems in a big way – the results were really obvious after each session. I really appreciated the knowledge that Kerry imparted on me and the breastfeeding advice she gave was enormously helpful. I very much recommend paying Kerry a visit if you want a more settled baby!


I was suffering from SPD and was really struggling to walk from the weight of my baby (third pregnancy). After my first appointment I started to feel lighter and like I could move my body again, and I could walk faster, walk up and down the stairs pain-free, get in and out of the car, and even sit on the floor and play lego with my son (something my pelvis had not let me done in a couple of months.) Kerry made me feel happy to be pregnant again, which allowed me to look forward to birthing my baby.


Kirsty Payne Reviews

Kirsty listens fully and helps me to articulate my thoughts and emotions. She’s able to steer conversations and pivot on topics if I want to. She offers insights and guidance in an empathetic and tailored way. I look forward to our sessions every week and I can’t express how much she’s helped me.


Kirsty is understanding, thoughtful, and very good at asking questions which get me to think for myself, helping me process feelings/thoughts/realisations properly, and arguably more in depth.


From feeling completely anxiety filled before our first session to being relaxed within 5 minutes of talking is unheard of for me but Kirsty put me at ease straight away. I feel she really listens and can approach things that I need pointing out without making me feel uneasy about it. I’m looking forward to working with Kirsty more.

E. Thomas

Sarah Howard Reviews

Sarah takes the time to listen to individual client’s needs. Bespoke oils made by her are mixed to create the right balance for you, thank you.

Sarah’s aromatherapy massage and reflexology treatment was really relaxing and has become a monthly aid to wellbeing for me. I have no hesitation in recommending Sarah and the products she blends and her treatments.

I can’t recommend Sarah’s ‘Bug-Off’ spray enough! It really works incredibly well and actually smells nice too, unlike the chemical based alternatives. And if you are forgetful enough that you didn’t use it her bite and sting relief is also fabulous. Thank you Sarah!